Movie Review: The Girl in the Spider's Web

The Girl in the Spider's Web

The Girl in the Spider's Web

Times Of India's Rating : 3.5/5
Avg. Users' Rating : 2.7/5
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CAST:Claire Foy, Sverrir Gudnason, LaKeith Stanfield, Sylvia Hoeks, Stephen Merchant
DIRECTION:Fede Álvarez
GENRE:Action, Thriller
DURATION:1 hours 55 minutes
Critic's Rating: 3.0/5

The Girl In The Spider’s Web, based on a novel by David Lagercrantz written after Stieg Larsson’s death, is both a soft-reboot and a sequel to David Fincher's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, which came out in 2011. Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig, who played Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist respectively in the original have been replaced by Claire Foy and Sverrir Gudnason. The film begins with a flashback to Lisbeth's childhood. She and her sister (the grown up version is played by Sylvia Hoeks) are shown playing chess as children. Their father is shown as a sadistic freak, given to abusing them. Young Lisbeth pulls off a daring escape but fails to convince her sister to follow her. Frans Balder (Stephen Merchant), is an ethical hacker who develops a programme that can tap into any nuclear facility in the world. He sells it to the CIA but has second thoughts about it and wants Lisbeth to steal it back. Unknown to her, a group of violent criminals too are hell bent to recover the programme. They kill Frans and take his son hostage. Lisbeth has to use every bit of brains and brawns that she possesses to save the kid... 

The film can be described as James Bond on steroids. Cool cars and bikes, cutting edge technology, tech savvy heroes and villains, lush locales and beautiful girls kicking butt, what more can the viewer ask for. It’s another matter that the first film, despite all it’s nakedness, violent sex and blood and gore aplenty, still possessed a soul. It gave us a commentary on the how morally corrupt a so-called welfare society can become. It had an emotional core and the present film, despite giving us a sob story about separated sisters, doesn’t have one. What’s the point of waiting seven years for a sequel if the producers deviate from Larsson’s original trilogy and base their film on trite written by someone else. Instead of being a critique on the modern European society, this a badly written family drama. 

The film has been amazingly shot, has a pulsating score, and the action scenes are choreographed quiet well. Claire Foy tries hard to fill Rooney Mara’s shoes and to be fair to her, has done a decent enough job. It’s not her fault that the makers wanted to give us a populist action heroine, someone who can be trusted to appear in a set of sequels and perform to given parameters. Lisbeth Salander in the books is a broken soul trying to mend herself while fighting evil that she sees around her. You root for her because you can identify that evil. Here, nothing more evil than missile codes looms large and you just don’t care if the CIA have them, not have them or they land with someone else entirely. You’re underwhelmed by what’s happening on screen. This is the film’s biggest drawback and something that totally goes against the grain of Larsson’s writings...



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